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Artwork displayed in the Washington Calligraphers Guild's 40th Anniversary Exhibit were featured in this Scripsit. Exhibtion Chair Maureen Squires produced the 36-page issue, showing the work of WCG members Yukimi Annand, Pat Blair, Elizabeth Blinn, Annie Cicale, Monica Cimino, Michael Clark, Barbara Close, Ann Czapiewski, Kristen Doty, Marta Legeckis, Sammy Little, Joan Machinchick, Ayako Makabe, Felicia Brice McFail, Judy Melvin, Deanna Nim, Martin Parker, Marcy Robinson, Maureen Squire, Derrick Tabor, Chris Tischer, Nahid Tootoonchi, Derrick Tabor, Joanne Wasserman, Julian Waters and Sheila Waters.

WCG's 40th Anniversary Exhibit (2018, Vol. 40 No. 2)

SKU: 40.2.2018
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