Sheila Waters: Her Golden Thread is a memorial tribute to WCG founder Sheila Waters and a sequel to Sheila at 80: A Retrospective (Vol. 31, No.2&3, Fall 2009/Winter 2010). By editor/designer Julian Waters, we see how Sheila's finished exhibition pieces were culminations of many stages of fine-tuning. 44 full-color pages
"She would often start a piece over from scratch or re-do large sections. Her iconic Roundel of the Seasons was no exception, taking 1000 hours to complete," her son wrote.
Cover art: At age 19 Sheila Waters created her first roundel, ©1948, final exam piece at Medway College of Art for the British National Diploma in Design.
Sheila Waters: Her Golden Thread 1929–2022 (2022, Vol 44 No 1)
SKU: 44.1.2022