This is the first Pens & Protocol: The Calligraphy of Official Washington Scripsit. (Another Official Washington issue was printed in 2016.) It features the work of White House calligraphers Patricia Blair, Debra Brown and Rick Muffler; State Department calligrapher Jennifer Nicholson; and WCG members David Hobbs, Marta Legeckis, Sammy Little, Mary Lou O'Brian and Julian Waters, whose lettering for the federal government, Postal Service and Smithsonian Institution is integral to Official Washington. This 48-page double issue by Lorraine Swerdloff contains more than 150 full-color reproductions.
Calligraphy of Official Washington - Fall2007/Winter2008 (Vol.29 No3/Vol.30 No1)
SKU: 29.3-30.1.2007-2008